Kayla Jean Photography
I just got interested in photography in the last couple years. I figured i'd make a blog to get my pictures out there.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Just thought I would write in this thing today. I'm sitting in the Library at West Virginia University while my boyfriend and his friends work on their homework, I'm very bored.
Anyway life has been good on my part, i've been very stressed out latley and everything seems to be looking good at this point. I moved back home to go to school in December and that fell through because I didn't get fafsa in time so now I'll be going to school in the spring for Wildlife Mangement, I'm hoping and praying that I like it as much as I think I will, I'll do good and eventually find a job in the career field.
I started working at a local photography and photo shop in my hometown. I like it alot haven't been doing much with photography which is normals since I'm just starting out. Hopefully this teaches me alot even though i'm not going into the photography career that can always be an option no matter what i do with my life. Right now I'm just helping clean up the shop and take money and set up and take down some equipment whenever they have a photoshoot at one of the schools around.
My boyfriend has stayed in WV to continue his education at WVU so I'm down there this weekend just visting. I miss him but I can't wait till we both graduate and start our careers and our life starts together.
I'll be posting more pictures that I have taken through out last year and starting this year when I get home this week.
<3 Kayla
Monday, January 10, 2011
I've always been interested in Birds. I've been dating my boyfriend for 3 years and he is a wildlife major which I am going into in the spring, anyway, I always helped him study his birds which really got me more interested in the birds so I put bird feeders up. I put these up so I can get better at identifying the birds and so I can photography them. I've been going out on the porch the last couple days and sitting out there with my tripod and camera and here is what i have gotten so far.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
I finally found the battery cover for external flash so I took some pictures of my dog Pugsley just to play around.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Utah Trip
This summer I went to Utah to visit with my boyfriend while I was there I took some amazing pictures. We went and saw the Salt Lake in Salt Lake City, Temple Square, Park City, Vernal [where he stayed], Grand Canyon, Arches National Park, Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and Provo Utah, Bridel veil Falls. =] We seen alot in a week!
Here are some pictures from the trip. I know its a bit late.
This is in Arizona on the way to see the Grand Canyon. My boyfriends mom and I named the rock "sunset rock" I'm pretty sure its part of Monument Valley though. =]
This is Bridel Veil Falls in Provo Utah. We stopped here on the way back to Salt Lake City.